Galería Mascota, Mexico City
05.02.24 - 18.03.24
The symbol of a serpent devouring its own tail has represented the eternal cycle of life, death, and rebirth throughout antiquity among countless cultures, namely Egyptian and Greek. In the exhibition, the ouroboros transfigures into canvas both figuratively and representationally — as interwoven paint and snakelike incisions surround the space.
Ouroboros was made with ten pieces of canvas stitched together into one loop. The loop was then rotated around the mechanism, each individual piece of canvas carrying the trace of the others. At the end of the painting process the canvas was separated and stretched as ten paintings. Some appear coupled, while others insist on a distinct individuality.
The painting on the wall outside this room was not touched by direct application of paint but holds the memory of the paint applied to the other nine segments – it was made by its environment. Each painting in the installation functions both as part of the whole and as a fractal.